Will it be love at first page?
The Morgan County Public Library - Monrovia branch is feeling the spirit of Valentine's Day and we want to set you up on a blind date with one of our favorite books. We promise that they are all successful, attractive and articulate. Many have a great sense of humor too! Some are to the point and others are more long-winded. There really is a perfect match for everyone though.
When you enter the library there is a display immediately to the right on top of the new fiction shelves. Each book was handpicked by our staff. You will find that each book has a few keywords to help you hone in on your selection. Genres include: literary fiction, memoir, biography, YA, mystery, science fiction and more! There are also a few audiobooks(marked as such).
This is a fun opportunity to read something that you might not have read otherwise.Whether you branch outside your genre or go with a book that sounds like one you traditionally would select, how could a blind date possibly go wrong? ;)
We have had a lot of people love this idea, but not many have taken the plunge yet. I would like to encourage the members of the Monrovia Writers Group to come in before our next meeting and try one blind date book. Just like an actual blind date, you are of course under no obligation to stick with it if the book really is not for you. We can then spend some time at our next February meeting talking about the selections.
Let's spice up our lives a bit!